The Dolls Room

Encassed Spirits items
The Dolls
Sweet, innocent, childish and full of loving thoughts........NOT these dolls!
These have history and play with you always (yes they play with you!).

MR Categories 3 and 4

TV/Film doll

  • Malevolent Risk Category 3
  • We when dealing with this doll, you are always welcome to freely leave the room.
  • The doll has already brought with it activity of it's own unique style.
  • Given a MR CAT 3 rating due to its various levels of activity and frequency with disturbances. One entity is known to be attached to this object.

Encassed Doll 1

  • Malevolent Risk Category 3
  • Known to have lived with a family for it's Lifetime seeing out two family members.
  • Taken into our care due to the nature of the strange activity that surrounds this artefact. It is placed out of the way and glass encassed.
  • Given a MR CAT 3 rating due to its level of continual auditory and visual activity. The energy has also connected in dreams. Several connections attachments to this object.

Moving Doll

  • Malevolent Risk Category 3
  • This is part of a group, but the only one that will move you, or rather make you move.
  • For your safety this doll sits above you as you enter the room. It has activity that will show movement and how active as a doll it can be
  • Given a MR CAT 3 rating due to its level of past activity. Connections attached to this doll are not friendly.

Watch out

  • Malevolent Risk Category 4
  • Things in this room may not be all they seem.
  • They are loved items, who need love. It's just the form of love may not be up to your standards. It is true to say that most of the dolls on display are safe, but some do not go with the flow.
  • Given a MR CAT 4, These items are typical to the category. But would you trust them?
More awaits you

Book your tour

Spend sometime touring the building, hear why you are always near a ghost. See the artefacts close up.

Groups Bookings

Corporate, Hen nights, Confidence building, Scare nights, Paranormal groups and more.


Valentines, Halloween, Special scare nights, Overnight stays, themed nights.